Focus on the transformation of knitting manufacturers

Focus on the transformation of knitting manufacturers: how to move towards a watershed after the adjustment period?

  Home furnishing in the United States, autumn clothes in Italy... In the XX knitting factory located in Juexi Street, Xiangshan County, Zhejiang Province, the assembly line is fully fired, and the workers are busy packing and shipping the "basic models" to all parts of the world.

"The order that didn't come did not come, but the one who didn't come came." Zhou Zhikang, general manager of Hansen Knitting, defined the foreign trade market after the Spring Festival in 2020 as an unexpected "start"-once inconspicuous, even even despising " The "run volume" order became his "continuation of life" order under the epidemic.


From high-quality clothing to ordinary clothing, under the new crown pneumonia epidemic, Zhou Zhikang exchanged low-profit multi-orders in exchange for the factory. "The 100,000 orders, the gross profit is only 50,000 yuan, I can not make money, but the workers want Make money."


Hansen Knitting Smart Clothes Hanging System. 

   As we all know, Zhejiang is a major foreign trade province. Faced with unprecedented challenges, in the post-epidemic era, how small and medium-sized foreign trade companies obtain new orders, tide over difficulties, and turn crises into opportunities is the focus of attention from all walks of life.

"Many enterprises choose to export to domestic sales, but in my opinion there is still a wider market abroad." Zhou Zhikang said bluntly, with the epidemic outbreak abroad, many foreign trade companies have to "lower their attitude" and seek domestic channels, but There are still a number of enterprises that stick to the "export" road and continue to expand the depth and thickness of overseas markets.

  In Zhou Zhikang's view, it is true that foreign trade enterprises are facing a crisis of transformation, but transformation does not refer to "cross-border". "In my opinion, transformation mainly refers to self-improvement in this industry."


 XX knitting factory packaging site. 

"Today's foreign trade market is not without orders, what is in short supply is the orders with higher gold content." Zhou Zhikang explained with his own enterprise as an example, orders with higher gold content mainly refer to high-quality orders, with high technical content and high profits. "For example, in some foreign cultural and sports event apparel and luxury apparel markets, one ticket can have 6 million sales."

"But so far, due to the epidemic, our factory has not received orders for quality products overseas." Although the lack of gold orders disappointed him, but after entering the adjustment period, the company also received some orders for household services, allowing the company to normalize Operation, "that is, the enterprise does not make money, but it can also maintain vitality and will not fail."

   In fact, the problem Zhou Zhikang encountered was not a case.

   The reporter learned that his factory is located in Juexi, a famous Chinese knitting city on the coast of the 100-mile Gold Coast. On its land of less than 32 square kilometers, it has gathered more than 500 small and medium-sized micro-knitting enterprises.

   Undoubtedly, the foreign trade knitting industry is a feature of Juexi, and the multi-industry with the advantage of an export-oriented economy has a joint development pattern, making it one of the export production bases of Chinese knitting manufacturers.


Fuming knitting. 

  Looking back at the past, a batch of knitted apparel orders were placed, and within a few days, Juexi enterprises can complete the entire process of weaving, dyeing and finishing, printing, garment processing, and packaging.

   Examine the current situation. Affected by the overseas epidemic situation, a large number of knitting enterprises' foreign trade orders have dropped sharply, and the operating pressure has increased. In the face of the epidemic crisis, how can small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises respond to changes and seek their own development path? Whether it is sticking to or transforming, or disappearing in the field of industry, many foreign trade people are thinking deeply about this issue.

  From the outbreak of the new coronary pneumonia, Zhou Yemin, the general manager of Fuming Knitting Co., Ltd., which is in the adjustment stage, still maintains the efficient operation of the factory.

  On the Fuming knitting line, workers are packing orders for shipment to Germany.

"Since the resumption of production, our workers have not stopped and received foreign trade orders." Zhou Yemin told reporters that today's domestic sales competition is very fierce. "Everyone is rushing to sell domestically, pushing prices to the bottom line, but losing the transformation. Meaning."

  Zhou Yemin's strength came from his factory's uninterrupted overseas orders. Although he did not have the high profits of previous years, the wages of factory workers remained at the same level as in previous years, even higher than in previous years because of overtime to catch orders.

Talking about the cheats of stable foreign trade orders, Zhou Yemin admitted that mainly because of irreplaceability, "Foreigns also need to wear clothes to eat, and orders for necessities of life cannot be canceled. The market has always existed, and what we have to do is to suit, Deeply cultivated in craftsmanship to increase its competitiveness."

  If we say the changes brought about by the epidemic, Zhou Ye's sensitive touch is more about the delay of logistics transportation, "the shipping schedule has become longer, and there is no previous convenience."

   In fact, in Zhejiang Province, a large foreign trade province, not only the knitting industry in the corner, but in the context of a massive economy, the survival of small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises has already started. After several months of adjustment, small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises that have entered the watershed are still wandering in confusion and hope.